Mental Health Awareness

Understanding Emotions: A Spiritual Approach to Emotional Intelligence

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    • Holistic Integration of Psychology and Spirituality: Discover how emotional intelligence can be enhanced through spiritual practices and principles.
    • Interactive Learning Activities: Engage in mindfulness exercises, reflective journaling, and group discussions to deepen your understanding of emotions.
    • Personal Growth and Self-Awareness: Develop tools for self-reflection and emotional regulation, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self.

Nurturing the Soul: Spiritual Development for Young Minds

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    1. Exploration of Inner Self:  aimed at understanding their beliefs, values, and emotions, fostering self-awareness and empathy.

    2. Mindfulness Practices: students will learn techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness, manage stress, and enhance emotional regulation.

    3. Ethical and Moral Development: Discussions on universal values such as kindness, compassion, and integrity will encourage students to reflect on their actions and their impact on themselves and others.

4h 32m

Family First: Tips for Students to Strengthen Relationships at Home

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  • Interactive Learning: Engaging activities and discussions to facilitate practical understanding and application of concepts.
  • Real-life Scenarios: Case studies and role-playing exercises to relate lessons to everyday family interactions.
  • Communication Skills: Techniques to improve listening, speaking, and non-verbal communication within the family.
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